How school closures for COVID-19 amplify inequality

Pandemic-related school closures have posed challenges for school districts and families across the United States. According to Annette Anderson, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, those challenges ...

Children with access to SNAP fare better as adults

Children whose families have access to food assistance get more education, live longer and are less likely to rely on public assistance or be incarcerated as they grow up, according to a University of Michigan-led study.

Video: What is food insecurity?

Norbert Wilson is a professor of food policy at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. His research touches on a number of food issues of such as access, choice, and food waste. He continues to work on food ...

Tracking microorganisms through the dairy production process

Microorganisms from the environment can enter the dairy supply chain at multiple stages, including production, milk collection, and processing, with potential implications for quality and safety. The ability to track these ...

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