New technology enables 5-D imaging in live animals and humans

A new image analysis technique makes finding important biological molecules—including tell-tale signs of disease—and learning how they interact in living organisms much faster and far less expensive. Called Hyper-Spectral ...

DNA origami lights up a microscopic glowing Van Gogh

Using folded DNA to precisely place glowing molecules within microscopic light resonators, researchers at Caltech have created one of the world's smallest reproductions of Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night. The reproduction ...

New imaging method reveals nanoscale details about DNA

Researchers have developed a new enhanced DNA imaging technique that can probe the structure of individual DNA strands at the nanoscale. Since DNA is at the root of many disease processes, the technique could help scientists ...

Split light wave switches nano-enhancers of light on and off

In collaboration with Philips Lighting, researchers from the FOM institutes AMOLF and DIFFER have found a way to switch the antenna effect of metal nanoparticles on and off. Nanoantennae are sensitive receivers and enhancers ...

Chemists create nanofibers using unprecedented new method

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have developed a novel method for creating self-assembled protein/polymer nanostructures that are reminiscent of fibers found in living cells. The work offers a promising new way ...

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