Study proposes alternative way to explain life's complexity

Evolution skeptics argue that some biological structures, like the brain or the eye, are simply too complex for natural selection to explain. Biologists have proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex' structures ...

High-angle helix helps bacteria swim

( —A high-angle helix helps microorganisms like sperm and bacteria swim through mucus and other viscoelastic fluids, according to a new study by researchers from Brown University and the University of Wisconsin. ...

Study sheds light on bacterial propeller assembly

Many bacteria are equipped with a flagellum, a helical propeller that allows bacteria to travel. The flagellum is assembled in a highly organized manner involving the stepwise addition of each of its internal parts. However, ...

How bacteria swim: Researchers discover new mechanisms

When pathogens invade a human host, they need maximum ability to move through the body as they navigate adverse environments and cause infection. Their ability to drill themselves through gel-like surroundings is often made ...

Building 'nanomachines' in biological outer space

Cambridge scientists have uncovered the mechanism by which bacteria build their surface propellers (flagella) – the long extensions that allow them to swim towards food and away from danger. The results, published this ...

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