A lightweight fish pen to move farms to deeper seas

The University of Queensland has co-led a project to design a cost effective yet robust pen to expand fish farming into deeper ocean areas to help feed the growing global population. The research is published in the Journal ...

Increased use of medicines in Norwegian fish farming

The increase in sales of agents to treat sea lice infestations continued in 2013. However, sales of antibacterials showed a reduction compared to the previous year. Sales of anthelmintics showed a slight increase compared ...

How widespread is lemur and fossa meat consumption?

A new study by WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) looks at the prevalence of human consumption of lemur and fossa (Madagascar's largest predator) in villages within and around Makira Natural Park, northeastern Madagascar, ...

Fewer fish, worse health: The climate effect

Over the next 25 years, reduced intake of marine food resources due to climate change will likely have a negative impact on the cardiovascular health of First Nations on Canada's Pacific coast, a new study suggests.

Happier fish through mass spectrometry

Skoltech researchers and their Russian and Norwegian colleagues have investigated the effect of ozonation on the organic compounds dissolved in recirculating water at a fish farm. Published in the Science of the Total Environment, ...

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