China drought affects more than 34 million people

A debilitating drought along China's Yangtze river has affected more than 34 million people, leaving farmers and livestock without water and parching a major grain belt, according to the government.

Hidden water holds the key to a changing desert

Passover, which celebrates the Israelites' flight from Egypt, ended Tuesday night. Yet after the exodus, they wandered the desert for 40 more years. There, Moses struck a rock with his staff and made water flow.

Fish farm waste can drift to distant shores

Concentrated waste plumes from fish farms could travel significant distances to reach coastlines, according to a study to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics, available online now. ...

Live carp smuggled into Canada

Smugglers keep hauling live Asian carp from Southern fish farms bound for food markets in the Lake Ontario city of Toronto, even as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studies how to keep the fish from swimming into the Great ...

Could the humble sea cucumber save our seas?

It may look like an over-grown slug, but scientists at Newcastle University believe the sea cucumber could play a vital role in the fight to save our seas - and become an unusual addition to British gourmet food.

Fish consumption at all time high, says UN agency

Fish consumption reached record levels in 2010 and world stocks need to be urgently rebuilt, experts at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation said in a report Monday.

Growing seaweed can solve acidification

Large-scale cultivation of sea lettuce can help reduce acidification of the oceans. And help solve the global food supply problem to boot.

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