Titanium dioxide film enhances the sun's natural disinfection power

The world population is estimated to be seven billion and all these mouths need feeding. With fears about overfishing and the sustainability of fish stocks in our seas fish farming is becoming big business. As with all farming ...

Explosives and fish are traced with chemical tags

Researchers at the University of Oviedo (Spain) have come up with a way of tagging gunpowder which allows its illegal use to be detected even after it has been detonated. Based on the addition of isotopes, the technique can ...

Fish cage culture catches on in Nepal

Researchers supported by IDRC guided the first families into this new venture when the construction of a hydro dam flooded the area in 1982.

A fish test to make food safer

Nowadays, half of all the fish we eat comes from fish farms. The problem is that these fish are increasingly being fed vegetable matter, which could lead to a build-up of residual pesticides in them. A new test shows how ...

Fish farms less harmful than thought

Coastal fish farms seem to do less harm to nearby plants and animals than previously believed, a new study reveals. And marine ecosystems can recover from this damage surprisingly fast.

Lice from farmed salmon imperil wild salmon, new study confirms

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study on the impacts of lice on wild salmon published today by an independent team of academic researchers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) confirmed what many previous ...

Harvesting of small fish species should be cut: study

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research on the fishing of small fish species near the bottom of their food chains suggests harvesting at levels previously thought to be sustainable could have devastating effects on some marine ecosystems. ...

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