Video: How animals glow

Fireflies, frogs, jellyfish, mushrooms and even parrots have the ability to emit light from their bodies. These creatures use either bioluminescence or fluorescence to put on their light shows.

Video: How do fireflies glow?

Warm summer nights wouldn't be complete without the beautiful glow of fireflies. But until recently, we didn't really understand how fireflies produced their glow. Now Bruce Branchini, Ph.D., from Connecticut College and ...

What makes fireflies glow?

As fireflies are delighting children across the country with their nighttime displays, scientists are closing in on a better understanding of how the insects produce their enchanting glow. They report in the Journal of the ...

Undergraduate discovers new firefly species

The Entomology Research Museum at the University of California, Riverside today announced the discovery of a new species of firefly from Southern California, collected by an undergraduate student as part of his semester's ...

Unraveling the light of fireflies

How do fireflies produce those mesmerizing light flashes? Using cutting-edge imaging techniques, scientists from Switzerland and Taiwan have unraveled the firefly's intricate light-producing system for the first time.

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