Related topics: nokia

Twelfth impact structure discovered in Central Finland

A Finnish-Estonian scientific collaboration by Geological Survey of Finland, University of Tartu, and University of Helsinki has led to a discovery of ancient meteorite impact crater in Central Finland. The crater has a diameter ...

Law firms do not encourage men to take parental leaves

The professional ethos of law firms discourages men from taking parental leave, a new Finnish-Canadian study shows. Carried out by the University of Eastern Finland and TÉLUQ University in Quebec, the study found that the ...

The drying of peatlands is reducing bird diversity

A recent international study indicates that the populations of peatland birds in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Latvia have decreased by a third during the past three decades. The situation in Finland is the most dire, ...

Russian given almost 4 years in US botnet fraud

A US judge on Thursday sentenced a Russian citizen to 46 months in prison for his role in a global computer fraud that took in millions, the Justice Department announced.

Uber takes break in Finland ahead of new legislation

Ride-hailing service Uber is taking a yearlong break in Finland because legislation that's expected to open the transportation market for new businesses does not come into force until July 2018.

Endangered Finnish seals go online to highlight plight

Wildlife conservationists in Finland are planning to give endangered seals a spot of online fame by streaming encounters with some of the few hundred remaining mammals in a bid to raise awareness of their plight.

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