Related topics: google · consumers

Pigs form a visual concept of human faces

Contrary to previous studies, pigs appear to have better visual discrimination abilities than had previously been assumed. Cognition researchers from the Messerli Research Institute showed in a new study that pigs not only ...

Big Brother facial recognition needs ethical regulations

My mother always said I had a face for radio. Thank God, as radio may be the last place in this technology-enhanced world where your face won't determine your social status or potential to commit a crime.

New magnetic anomaly map helps unveil Antarctica

The most comprehensive magnetic map of Antarctica ever produced is published this week (15 July 2018). The new map – which includes 3.5 million line-kilometres of magnetic anomaly data collected over the past 50 years – ...

Physicists investigate home run increase

Home run rates in Major League Baseball have increased steadily since 2015. In 2017, the rate was 35 percent greater than it was before the All-Star Game in 2015. To understand the reason behind this sudden surge, the organization ...

Advanced driver aids aren't just for luxury cars

Automakers have come a long way from safety features such as seat belts and air bags that are meant to prevent injuries in a crash. Today, manufacturers are adding advanced driver aids that can fend off an accident in the ...

Secrets of a little-known cancer ally revealed

Human cancers often have a little recognized ally— the increased size and number of a cell's organelles called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is where ribosomes, the cellular protein factories, are made. Ribosomes can also ...

Sizing up new car-safety technology

We are in a new era of car safety: The focus has shifted from reducing death and injury in a vehicle collision to preventing a crash from happening in the first place. Safety features designed to avoid accidents are becoming ...

3-D microprinting—security for products, passports, and money

Security features are to protect bank notes, documents, and branded products against counterfeiting. Losses caused by product forgery and counterfeiting may be enormous. According to the German Engineering Association, the ...

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