Related topics: obesity · fat cells · fatty acids · diet · body mass index

New insights into the fuctions of fat metabolism

What happens when the body's fat stores are activated? With the support of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the biochemist Ruth Birner-Grünberger investigated the complex interaction of activation and regulation in fat breakdown, ...

Why your tuna could have 36 times more chemicals than others

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego found levels of persistent organic pollutants as much as 36 times higher in the muscle tissue of yellowfin tuna caught in the more ...

Video: The chemistry of fried chicken

Battered and deep-fried chicken might be one of the most delicious foods ever. But what makes this summer picnic staple so tasty?

Diagnosing obesity by mathematically estimating abdominal fat

Abdominal obesity, or fat that accumulates around one's stomach and abdomen, has long been considered to pose a high health risk in individuals. Hence, measurement of "central obesity"—as it's often called—helps predict ...

Chip captures individual cells in minuscule gels

Researchers at the University of Twente's MIRA research institute have developed a chip that can capture and hold individual cells in the exact centre of a minuscule hydrogel droplet. Their novel method keeps cells alive ...

Scientists discover how some pigs cope in cold climates

A new paper in the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology revealed that pig breeds such as Tibetan pigs and Min pigs use a unique method to survive when exposed to cold environments. This has important implications for the swine ...

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