Breakthrough in harnessing the power of biological catalysts

The power of nature could soon be used to create day-to-day materials such as paints, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in a much more environmentally friendly way, thanks to a new breakthrough from scientists.

New energy source for future medical implants: sugar

MIT engineers have developed a fuel cell that runs on the same sugar that powers human cells: glucose. This glucose fuel cell could be used to drive highly efficient brain implants of the future, which could help paralyzed ...

Glucose biofuel cells may soon power implants

( -- Researchers in Grenoble, France have for the first time successfully implanted glucose biofuel cells in living rats. The results suggest such cells may one day use the body’s own glucose and oxygen supplies ...

Novel enzyme could boost sustainable production of aviation fuel

In recent decades, scientists have sought solutions to improve the sustainable production of biofuels from renewable sources. The latest advance in this field was announced at the end of May by Brazilian researchers and could ...

Metal-organic frameworks behave like enzymes in catalysis

The construction of substrate-specific nanopockets in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with allosteric effects has been demonstrated to facilitate the formation of the transition state in catalytic reactions, as enzymes do.

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