Common fireworks release toxic metals into the air

Some of America's favorite Independence Day fireworks emit lead, copper, and other toxins, a new study suggests. These metals, which are used to give fireworks their vibrant color, also damage human cells and animal lungs.

Is going meat-free the answer to climate change?

When it comes to climate change, are cows as bad as cars? Probably not, says Dr. Frank Mitloehner, University of California, Davis researcher and air quality specialist. He asserts that meat and dairy animals are not major ...

US government report to warn climate change is real

The US government is expected to release Friday a major scientific report that says climate change is real, caused by human activity, and is affecting the daily lives of Americans.

Pa. allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom

(AP) -- The natural gas boom gripping parts of the U.S. has a nasty byproduct: wastewater so salty, and so polluted with metals like barium and strontium, that most states require drillers to get rid of the stuff by injecting ...

Court orders ban on harmful pesticide, says EPA violated law

A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration endangered public health by keeping a widely used pesticide on the market despite extensive scientific evidence that even tiny levels of exposure can harm ...

Duke University pays $112M to settle faked-research lawsuit

Duke University will pay $112 million to settle a whistleblower lawsuit after federal prosecutors said a research technician's fake data landed millions of dollars in federal grants, the school and the government said Monday.

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