'Harmless' microbes may be water risk

(PhysOrg.com) -- Relatively harmless microbes which pass through water treatment systems could be allowing dangerous bacteria, such as Legionella, to reproduce in drinking water supplies, researchers have warned following ...

US government might deregulate corn, soybean seeds

(AP)—The U.S. government on Friday proposed eliminating restrictions on the use of corn and soybean seeds that are genetically engineered to resist a common weed killer, a move welcomed by many farmers but feared by scientists ...

Trump info shutdowns at US science agencies, especially EPA

By now it should have been possible to get away from our new presidency here at On Science Blogs. January 2017 is ending and the Year of the Rooster, bringer of light, is upon us. But stuff–bad stuff, often worse stuff–keeps ...

BP fined $25 million over Alaska oil spill

BP has been fined $25 million and ordered to spend an estimated $60 million to improve pipeline safety in Alaska after a 2006 oil spill there, US authorities said Tuesday.

Federal study shows mercury in fish widespread

(AP) -- No fish can escape mercury pollution. That's the take-home message from a federal study of mercury contamination released Wednesday that tested fish from nearly 300 streams across the country.

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