Related topics: stem cells · cells · blood vessels

In a new microchip, cells separate by rolling away

Cell rolling is a common mechanism cells use to navigate through the body. During inflammation, for example, the endothelial cells that line blood vessels present certain molecules that attract white blood cells just enough ...

Fleas collected from Norway rats in downtown LA carry human pathogen

Most fleas collected from rats trapped in downtown Los Angeles, California carried microbes from the genus, Bartonella, many of which are human pathogens, according to a paper in the November Applied and Environmental Microbiology. ...

Stem cell discovery could lead to improved bone marrow transplants

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have identified a key molecule for establishing blood stem cells in their niche within the bone marrow. The findings, reported in the January issue of Cell Stem Cell, ...

Cellular Workouts Strengthen Endothelial Cells' Grasp

( -- University of Pennsylvania bioengineers have demonstrated that the cells that line blood vessels respond to mechanical forces -- the microscopic tugging and pulling on cellular structures -- by reinforcing ...

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