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Fourth Mercury flyby begins BepiColombo's new trajectory

Teams from across ESA and industry have worked continuously over the past four months to overcome a glitch that prevented BepiColombo's thrusters from operating at full power. The ESA/JAXA mission is still on track, with ...

Nontoxic ceramic could replace lead-based electronic components

The ceramic produced in Prof. Igor Lubomirsky's lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science seemed too good to be true. It belongs to a class of materials that are the backbone of many essential technologies but that unfortunately ...

Claw machine games are Rio de Janeiro's new public enemy

Rio de Janeiro—already notorious for street muggings, corrupt politicians, ruthless militias and Kalashnikov-toting drug traffickers—has a new public enemy: plushies. Or, more specifically, the joystick-controlled claw ...

Scientists modify citrus pectin with induced electric field

Pectin, a natural and nontoxic acidic polysaccharide, is widely found in the primary cell wall and inner layer of terrestrial higher plants. The main domains of pectin are homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan I, which ...

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