Shock front probed by protons

A shock front is usually considered as a simple discontinuity in density or pressure. Yet in strongly shocked gases, the atoms are ionized into electrons and ions. The large difference in the electron pressure across the ...

Smart surface enables advanced manipulation of droplets

For many years, engineers have sought to create a special kind of surface: one that can both repel and absorb liquids, and whose ability to do so—its "wetting behaviour"—can be quickly and precisely controlled. The technology ...

Oceanlinx celebrates wave-power unit launch in Australia

( —Oceans carry enough potential energy to make a difference. The devil is in the details. Finding a way to harness all that power had prevented wave power from being seen as a practical solution but now technologists ...

New material could efficiently power tiny generators

( -- To power a very small device like a pacemaker or a transistor, you need an even smaller generator. The components that operate the generator are smaller yet, and the efficiency of those foundational components ...

Detached gecko tails dance to their own tune

Geckos and other lizards have long been known for their incredible ability to shed their tails as a decoy for predators, but little is known about the movements and what controls the tail once it separates from the lizard's ...

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