Bonobos and chimps equally love meat

In an African forest where leopards and poisonous mamba dwell, a University of Oregon team once had to flee charging boar. But it was a brief detour in research that adds to the idea that bonobos are neither hippies nor vegans.

The myth of a vegetarian India

India has a reputation as a vegetarian nation, and Indians certainly consume far less meat than the global average. But the view of India as a predominantly vegetarian nation may not be quite accurate.

Food photos help Instagram users with healthy eating

Instagram users post millions of food photos—whether to show off a sophisticated palate, make friends drool over chicken and waffles or artfully arrange colorful macarons.

Snakes show that eating can be bad for your health

Eating is essential for life. Animals must eat to live, grow, and reproduce. But like most things, eating comes with tradeoffs. Dr. Zach Stahlschmidt of the University of the Pacific and his colleagues have found that along ...

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