Eucalyptus macrocarpa is giving nano-medicine a boost

( —Murdoch University researchers have developed a 'green' method to create antibacterial gold nanoparticles for potential use in the medical field with the help of common eucalyptus leaves.

IBM: Our new gel can kill superbugs

Researchers from computer firm IBM say they have invented a new non-toxic gel that can kill deadly drug-resistant bacteria by cutting through the sludge that shelters them and attacking the germ's cell membrane.

Tiny diamonds to boost treatment of chemoresistant leukemia

By binding multiple molecules of a common leukemia drug with nanodiamonds, scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) managed to boost the delivery of the drug ...

Fresh Pot of Tea Strikes Anticancer Gold

( -- Researchers from the University of Missouri-Columbia report in the Journal of Materials Chemistry that chemicals in tea are the best yet discovered to make consistent, biologically safe gold nanoparticles. ...

Nanotechnology may lead to new treatment of liver cancer

( -- Nanotechnology may open a new door on the treatment of liver cancer, according to a team of Penn State College of Medicine researchers. They used molecular-sized bubbles filled with chemotherapy drugs to ...

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