Hubble sees a supermassive and super-hungry galaxy

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the spiral galaxy NGC 4845, located over 65 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo (The Virgin). The galaxy's orientation clearly reveals the galaxy's striking ...

Project scientist discusses the James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled to be launched in October 2018, is expected to yield important scientific breakthroughs in our quest to understand the universe and our origins. JWST, often touted as a successor ...

Image: The Stephan's Quintet of galaxies

The Stephan's Quintet of galaxies was discovered by astronomer Édouard Stephan in 1877. At the time, however, he reported the discovery of 'new nebulae', as the concept of other galaxies beyond our Milky Way was only formalised ...

Why is the night sky black?

It sounds obvious. That's what night is. The sun has set and when you look up at the sky, it's black. Except where there's a star, of course. The stars are bright and shiny.

NASA image: A precocious black hole

In July 2015, researchers announced the discovery of a black hole, shown in the above illustration, that grew much more quickly than its host galaxy.

VISTA pinpoints earliest giant galaxies

Just counting the number of galaxies in a patch of sky provides a way to test astronomers' theories of galaxy formation and evolution. However, such a simple task becomes increasingly hard as astronomers attempt to count ...

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