Bacterial genome is regulated by an ancient molecule

We are all collections of cells, each cell containing the instructions—our DNA—to become any other cell. What differentiates a heart cell from a skin cell from a brain cell is the expression—or silencing—of genes.

Embryonic cells sense stiffness in order to form the face

Cells in the developing embryo can sense the stiffness of other cells around them, which is key to them moving together to form the face and skull, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

Intriguing insect fossils preserved in amber

All fossils are time capsules. But unlike many other finds, insects encapsulated in amber are often perfectly preserved. "Frequently, their external morphology is as well conserved as if they had been sealed in synthetic ...

First overview of archaea in vertebrates 

Archaea are often mistaken as bacteria, given that both are small, single-cell organisms. However, archaea are as genetically different from bacteria as humans are from bacteria. While archaea are found in most environments, ...

Strengthened microtubules aid cell migration

Migrating cells use stiffened microtubules to push through tissue barriers, seeking out weak points in tissue, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Cell Reports.

AI program accurately predicts protein localization

Facial recognition software can be used to spot a face in a crowd; but what if it could also predict where someone else was in the same crowd? While this may sound like science fiction, researchers from Japan have now shown ...

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