Study identifies distinct roles for nuclear lamin isoforms

A Northwestern Medicine study has uncovered distinct roles for major nuclear lamin isoforms in maintaining intracellular interactions and cellular mechanics, according to findings published in the Proceedings of the National ...

Harnessing functions of microbiota to combat fungal pathogens

Fusarium graminearum is a widespread pathogenic fungus that causes Fusarium head blight (FHB) in cereal crops worldwide, especially in wheat. Between 2000 and 2018, more than 4.5 million hectares were annually affected by ...

Self-regulation of an enzyme with critical cellular functions

The lab of Kathy Gould, Louise B. McGavock Professor and professor of cell and developmental biology, used a multi-disciplinary approach that included structural biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology to investigate ...

Injectable stem cell assembly for cartilage regeneration

A study led by Prof. Qiuyu Zhang (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Prof. Ki-Bum Lee (Rutgers University), and Prof. Liang Kong (School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical University) has established an injectable ...

Cytoskeletal proteins interact to form intracellular networks

Investigators have discovered that two cytoskeletal proteins which were previously thought to function independently actually interact and form cytoskeletal networks within the cell surface, according to findings published ...

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