Targeting product design for the developing world

Designing products for the developing world can be a hit-or-miss endeavor: While there may be a dire need for products addressing problems, such as access to clean water, sanitation and electricity, designing a product that ...

Citizen scientists rival experts in analyzing land-cover data

Over the past 5 years, IIASA researchers on the Geo-Wiki project have been leading a team of citizen scientists who examine satellite data to categorize land cover or identify places where people live and farm. These data ...

Poorest WTO members win new patent-rule waiver

The globe's poorest nations have won an eight-year extension of a waiver on intellectual property rules, but still need to hold talks on the vexed issue of pharmaceutical patents, World Trade Organization officials said Tuesday.

PCs out as Senegal opens world's first tablet cafe

Among the washer women, carpenters, busy waiters and squabbling children sweltering under the midday sun on this dusty Dakar street an Internet revolution is taking place in the world's first tablet cafe.

Europe needs to engage and invest in national R&D budgets

In June's edition of Physics World Portugal's former science and technology minister, José Mariano Gago, calls for more investment in, and engagement with, national science budgets in light of the European Union's (EU) stagnated ...

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