Philadelphia says no to totally cashless future

With an increasing number of US businesses no longer accepting cash, Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love—is taking a stand to protect the so-called "unbanked" and will force merchants to accept greenbacks.

Indigenous knowledge key to a successful ecosystem restoration

Ecological restoration projects actively involving indigenous peoples and local communities are more successful. This is the result of a study carried out by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat ...

Ancient wetlands provide new insight into global carbon cycle

Scientists have unearthed and pieced together evidence on more than 1,000 ancient wetland sites from across the globe that are presently covered by fields, forests and lakes. Although vanished from the Earth's surface, these ...

A step closer to conducting top-level research in physics

Experiments in astrophysics and nuclear and particle physics are crucial to analyse how the universe works. These usually require complex detector systems whose design and testing necessitate a deep understanding of a variety ...

Do microbes control the formation of giant copper deposits?

One of the major issues when studying ore deposits formed in surficial or near-surface environments is the relationship between ore-forming processes and bacteria. At a first glance, these environments appear to be a preferred ...

Scientists model Mercury's glaciers

The processes that led to glaciation at the cratered poles of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, have been modeled by a University of Maine-led research team.

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