Related topics: cells

Biochemists zero in on key molecules that enable cells to crawl

Biochemists have made a discovery that sheds light on the molecular machinery that allows some cells, such as immune cells or even malignant cancer cells in humans, to wiggle their way through tissues like organs, skin or ...

How non-muscle cells find the strength to move

Researchers from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore have described, for the first time, the ordered arrangement of myosin-II filaments in actin cables of non-muscle cells. ...

How hydras know where to regrow lost body parts

Few animals can match the humble hydra's resilience. The small, tentacled freshwater animals can be literally shredded into pieces and regrow into healthy animals. A study published February 7 in Cell Reports suggests that ...

Cellular podiatry – understanding how cells form feet

A study carried out by a team of researchers from the labs of Professor Alexander Bershadsky at the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore at the National University of Singapore and Professor Gareth E Jones at King's College ...

Discovering what keeps cellular cargo on track

Michigan State University researchers, for the first time, have identified how plants' largest cell factory moves to maintain vital functions, which could lead to advances in improving plant cells' critical functions and ...

Keeping cells in good shape

People often talk about how important it is to stay in shape, something humans usually can accomplish with exercise and a healthy diet, and other habits. But chances are, few of us ever think about the shape of our individual ...

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