Hack turns Square into criminal tool

Hackers have shown how to turn mobile payment service Square into a convenient tool for criminals to pump cash from stolen credit card numbers.

An old mathematical puzzle soon to be unraveled?

(Phys.org) —It is one the oldest mathematical problems in the world. Several centuries ago, the twin primes conjecture was formulated. As its name indicates, this hypothesis, which many science historians have attributed ...

Researchers crack unassailable encryption algorithm in two hours

(Phys.org) —A protocol based on "discrete logarithms", deemed as one of the candidates for the Internet's future security systems, was decrypted by EPFL researchers. Allegedly tamper-proof, it could only stand up to the ...

Hackers hit ArcelorMittal's Belgian website

The online piracy group Anonymous hacked into the Belgian website of industrial giant ArcelorMittal on Friday, posting a video to protest the closure of two blast furnaces in Belgium.

Framed for child porn -- by a PC virus

(AP) -- Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.

Proof of randomness builds future of digital security

In an effort to block emerging threats to online security, researchers at Princeton University have developed a method to verify the strength of random number generators that form the basis of most encryption systems.

US shoe seller says hacker compromised accounts

US online shoe seller Zappos.com was notifying some 24 million customers Monday that a hacker had gained entry to its computer network, but said credit card data was not affected.

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