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Developers sue Apple over app store fees

A lawsuit filed Tuesday by developers alleges Apple is abusing its monopoly position in its online marketplace to extract excessive fees from those creating iPhone applications.

Supreme Court rejects net neutrality appeal

The Supreme Court has ended the court fight over repealed Obama-era "net neutrality" rules that required internet providers to treat all online traffic equally.

Roundup weed killer factor in man's cancer, US court told

The weed killer Roundup was a "substantial factor" in the cancer of a US man who developed a lump in his throat after decades of spraying his garden, his lawyer said Monday at the start of the first ever federal trial targeting ...

Activists cheer victory in landmark Dutch climate case

In a ruling hailed as an "immense victory for climate justice," the Netherlands' top court ruled Friday in favor of activists who have for years been seeking legal orders to force the Dutch government into cutting greenhouse ...

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