DNA is only one among millions of possible genetic molecules

Biology encodes information in DNA and RNA, which are complex molecules finely tuned to their functions. But are they the only way to store hereditary molecular information? Some scientists believe life as we know it could ...

Scientists map mouse personality

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany, together with colleagues at the Weizmann Institute of Sciencein Israel have developed a computational method to objectively measure the personality ...

Neural network fills in data gaps for spatial analysis of chromosomes

Computational methods used to fill in missing pixels in low-quality images or video also can help scientists provide missing information for how DNA is organized in the cell, computational biologists at Carnegie Mellon University ...

New algorithms shown to accelerate biopharmaceutical process

Biopharmaceuticals are necessary, life-saving tools. But the process for making them is time-consuming and costly, particularly when it comes to the process of purification—the removal of unwanted elements like proteins, ...

Supercapacitors turbocharged by laxatives

An international team of scientists, including a professor of chemistry from the University of Bristol, has worked out a way to improve energy storage devices called supercapacitors, by designing a new class of detergents ...

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