Quantum computers tackle big data with machine learning

Every two seconds, sensors measuring the United States' electrical grid collect 3 petabytes of data – the equivalent of 3 million gigabytes. Data analysis on that scale is a challenge when crucial information is stored ...

AI speeds up climate computations

Realistic climate simulations require huge reserves of computational power. An LMU study now shows that new algorithms allow interactions in the atmosphere to be modeled more rapidly without loss of reliability.

Researchers successfully simulate a 64-qubit circuit

Quantum computers are based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Compared with classical bits, qubits can be at the superposition between zero and one, so a quantum computer composed of qubits can calculate and store more ...

Quantum algorithm could help AI think faster

One of the ways that computers think is by analysing relationships within large sets of data. An international team has shown that quantum computers can do one such analysis faster than classical computers for a wider array ...

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