Researchers put machine learning on path to quantum advantage

There are high hopes that quantum computing's tremendous processing power will someday unleash exponential advances in artificial intelligence. AI systems thrive when the machine learning algorithms used to train them are ...

On-the-spot genome analysis

The ability to read the genome—all the DNA of an organism—has vast potential to understand human health and disease.

Creating a 'virtual seismologist'

Understanding earthquakes is a challenging problem—not only because they are potentially dangerous but also because they are complicated phenomena that are difficult to study. Interpreting the massive, often convoluted ...

Deep learning for electron microscopy

Finding defects in electron microscopy images takes months. Now, there's a faster way. It's called MENNDL, the Multinode Evolutionary Neural Networks for Deep Learning. It creates artificial neural networks—computational ...

Are computer-aided decisions actually fair?

Algorithmic fairness is increasingly important because as more decisions of greater importance are made by computer programs, the potential for harm grows. Today, algorithms are already widely used to determine credit scores, ...

Securing IoT connections by edge computing

A new reconfigurable security solution outperforms currently available ones in protecting Internet of things (IoT) devices and data by exploiting edge computing.

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