When hungry, Gulf of Mexico algae go toxic

When Gulf of Mexico algae don't get enough nutrients, they focus their remaining energy on becoming more and more poisonous to ensure their survival, according to a new study by scientists from North Carolina State University ...

New study to predict future shape of coastline

A new experiment is underway that will help forecast the shape of the Dutch coastline under changing climate conditions, involving scientists and engineers from the National Oceanography Centre (NOC).

Man will have smaller fish to fry, biologists warn

As fish get smaller under Man's environmental impact, they become more exposed to predators, which means a crucial food source will become more endangered than thought, scientists said on Wednesday.

Sandy's surge affected more than 1.4 million in 11 states

This map depicts the coastal areas likely to have been inundated by the storm surge resulting from Hurricane Sandy in relationship to residential population. It is based on a model used by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management ...

Smithsonian launches marine effort with $10M gift

(AP)—The Smithsonian is launching a new initiative to study coastal waters and create the first global network monitoring climate change and human impacts on ocean life with a $10 million gift.

Attitudes could hamper hurricane evacuations

(Phys.org)—With Hurricane Isaac threatening the U.S. mainland, emergency management personnel might soon have to confront some of the misinformed mindsets of potential evacuees. If South Carolinians are any indication, ...

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