Cosmic web orchestrates the progression of galaxies

The shape of galaxies and how they evolve depend on a web of cosmological filaments that run across the universe. According to a recent study headed by EPFL's Laboratory of Astrophysics, this cosmic web plays a much bigger ...

Webb Telescope: What will scientists learn?

The James Webb Space Telescope's first images aren't just breathtaking—they contain a wealth of scientific insights and clues that researchers are eager to pursue.

Chandra spots a mega-cluster of galaxies in the making

Astronomers using data from NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory and other telescopes have put together a detailed map of a rare collision between four galaxy clusters. Eventually all four clusters—each with a mass of at least ...

Galaxies in the Perseus Cluster

For galaxies, as for people, living in a crowd is different from living alone. Recently, astronomers used the National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to learn how a crowded environment affects ...

New binary millisecond pulsar discovered in NGC 6205

Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), astronomers have detected a new binary millisecond pulsar (MSP) in the globular cluster NGC 6205. The newly found pulsar received designation PSR J1641+3627F. ...

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