Astronomers are helping find elusive atoms across the universe

Astronomers at the University of Toronto have spotted some of the most elusive stuff in our universe by taking a deep look at the cosmic web, the network of filaments and knots that trace the large-scale distribution of galaxies.

Open cluster NGC 2345 investigated in detail

European astronomers have performed a comprehensive study of the young open cluster NGC 2345. The new research resulted in determining fundamental parameters of dozens of stars in the cluster and also unveiled the presence ...

Oldest galaxy protocluster forms 'queen's court'

Using the Subaru, Keck and Gemini Telescopes, an international team of astronomers has discovered a collection of 12 galaxies that existed about 13.0 billion years ago. This is the earliest protocluster ever found. One of ...

Hubble gazes at a star-studded skyfield

This star-studded image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the heart of the globular cluster NGC 6638 in the constellation Sagittarius. The star-strewn observation highlights the density of stars at the heart ...

Indian astronomers detect over 200 variable stars

Using the ARIES telescope, astronomers from India have inspected a young open cluster known as NGC 281, searching for new variable stars. As a result of this investigation, they detected 228 new variables. The finding is ...

Globular cluster system of NGC 4546 studied in detail

Using the Gemini-South telescope, astronomers have performed a photometric study of the lenticular galaxy NGC 4546. Results of the new research provide more clues about the structure and nature of the galaxy's globular cluster ...

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