Center of the Coma cluster explored with AstroSat

Using India's AstroSat spacecraft, astronomers have investigated a central field of a cluster of galaxies known as the Coma cluster. Results of the study, presented in a paper published September 13 on, deliver ...

Globular cluster Terzan 9 investigated with MUSE

Using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), an international team of astronomers has investigated Terzan 9—one of the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy. Results of the study, presented in a ...

Dwarf galaxy catches even smaller galaxy

Astronomers know that the Milky Way grew by taking in smaller galaxies. But now, a team of Italian-Dutch researchers has shown that a small galaxy neighboring the Milky Way has in turn absorbed an even smaller galaxy from ...

Image: The cat in Orion

What is the first creature that comes to mind when you look at the dark cloud in this image? Perhaps a dark kitten with a vivid white nose, front paws stretching towards the right of the frame and tail up towards the left? ...

Abell 1775: Chandra catches slingshot during collision

When the titans of space—galaxy clusters—collide, extraordinary things can happen. A new study using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory examines the repercussions after two galaxy clusters clashed.

Astronomers explore globular cluster NGC 2419

Using the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) and ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have explored a galactic globular cluster known as NGC 2419. Results of the study, published April 29 on the preprint server arXiv, shed ...

Astronomers inspect two galactic open clusters

Using the Tubitak National Observatory (TUG) and ESA's Gaia satellite, Turkish astronomers have inspected Berkeley 68 and Stock 20—two galactic open clusters. Results of the study, presented November 17 on the arXiv pre-print ...

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