Drought imperils carbon sequestration in European forests

Forests play a critical part in mitigating climate change due to their ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. However, many European forests removed less CO2 from the atmosphere during the extremely hot and dry summer ...

WWF urges end to deadlock on new Antarctic reserves

Members of a multinational group on Antarctic conservation must end a years-long deadlock and agree on new marine reserves in the region as sea-ice shrinks to record lows, the WWF urged Wednesday.

Cleaner air brings wetter weather in High Mountain Asia

High Mountain Asia (HMA), encompassing the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalayan ranges, harbors the world's third-largest amount of glacial ice. It is the source of more than 10 major Asian ...

The changing climate creates more noise in the oceans

Due to the changing climate, the underwater world is getting ever noisier. That is the main conclusion of a study that was published today in the journal PeerJ. "In some places, by the end of this century, the sound of ships, ...

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