Cholesterol helps flu virus escape through host cell's membrane

After a flu virus infects a host cell and hijacks its inner workings to create copies of itself, these copies gather into viral buds that break free from the host cell to infect again. A new study from MIT now provides the ...

Researchers develop paper-thin device to test cholesterol levels

( -- Paper-thin sensors that use the latest technology in miniaturization and printing could revolutionize the way point of care testing is carried out for cholesterol and lead to further applications and developments ...

Tuned gels reveal molecules that drive stem cell differentiation

By monitoring stem cell differentiation on gels that mimic the stiffness and nanofibrous structure of biological tissue, researchers have identified the specific molecules that stem cells use when selecting bone and cartilage ...

Cholesterol-lowering statins boost bacteria-killing cells

Widely prescribed for their cholesterol-lowering properties, recent clinical research indicates that statins can produce a second, significant health benefit: lowering the risk of severe bacterial infections such as pneumonia ...

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