Possible new route to fight dengue virus pointed

Researchers have identified enzymes and biochemical compounds called lipids that are targeted and modified by the dengue virus during infection, suggesting a potential new approach to control the aggressive mosquito-borne ...

Researchers develop paper-thin device to test cholesterol levels

(PhysOrg.com) -- Paper-thin sensors that use the latest technology in miniaturization and printing could revolutionize the way point of care testing is carried out for cholesterol and lead to further applications and developments ...

Local cops on front lines against product counterfeiting

Contrary to common perception, state and local police are often on the front lines against product counterfeiting, yet it's unclear how prepared they are to deal with the growing crime, according to a new report from two ...

Researchers identify structure of apolipoprotein

Using a sophisticated technique of x-ray crystallography, researchers Xiaohu Mei, PhD, and David Atkinson, PhD, from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have for the first time obtained an "image" of the structure ...

X-rays help advance the battle against heart disease

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists from Imperial College London and Diamond Light Source have revealed the structure of a cholesterol-lowering-drug target. Published in the journal Nature, this finding could lead to much more effective ...

Cholesterol boosts antibiotic resistance in H. pylori

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research suggests that cholesterol boosts resistance in Helicobacter pylori both to many antibiotics and to the endogenous antimicrobial peptide, LL-37. A complete understanding of the pathway of cholesterol ...

Blueberry's effects on cholesterol examined in lab animal study

Laboratory hamsters that were fed rations spiked with blueberry peels and other blueberry-juice-processing leftovers had better cholesterol health than hamsters whose rations weren't enhanced with blueberries. That's according ...

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