Toward new medications for chronic brain diseases

A needle-in-the-haystack search through nearly 390,000 chemical compounds had led scientists to a substance that can sneak through the protective barrier surrounding the brain with effects promising for new drugs for Parkinson's ...

Closer look at cell membrane shows cholesterol 'keeping order'

( -- Cell membranes form the "skin" of most every cell in your body, but the ability to view them up close and in motion cannot be rendered by many experimental techniques. A team of scientists working at the ...

New explanation for heart-healthy benefits of chocolate

In time for the chocolate-giving and chocolate-noshing fest on Valentine's Day, scientists are reporting discovery of how this treat boosts the body's production of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) — the "good" ...

Cholesterol-lowering statins boost bacteria-killing cells

Widely prescribed for their cholesterol-lowering properties, recent clinical research indicates that statins can produce a second, significant health benefit: lowering the risk of severe bacterial infections such as pneumonia ...

Sanofi-Aventis launches Genzyme takeover battle

(AP) -- France's Sanofi-Aventis on Monday launched an $18.5 billion hostile takeover attempt for Genzyme Corp., escalating the battle after management of the U.S. biotech company twice rejected its offer.

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