Defects on the surface of catalysts determine their activity

Many technical processes, including chemical production, exhaust gas purification and the chemical storage of solar energy would not be possible without catalysts. In the chemical industry, the vast majority of products produced ...

Synthesizing valuable chemicals from contaminated soil

Scientists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and ETH Zurich have developed a process to produce commodity chemicals in a much less hazardous way than was previously possible. Such commodity chemicals represent ...

A promising approach in sustainable chemical production

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies are crucial for addressing climate change while ensuring economic viability. MES has emerged as a promising approach for CO2 reduction to biofuels and platform chemicals. ...

Water processing: Light helps degrade hormones

Micropollutants in water often are hormones that accumulate in the environment and may have negative impacts on humans and animals. Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering ...

Plastic upcycling: From waste to fuel for less

A plastics recycling innovation that does more with less, presented today at the American Chemical Society fall meeting in Chicago, simultaneously increases conversion to useful products while using less of the precious metal ...

The key to the treasure in wood

( —In future, it could be easier to break down wood, as a source of raw materials, into its constituent parts. Chemists at the Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim an der Ruhr have found an efficient ...

Turning glass into clay

The magic mineral and microbial processes that transform volcanic glass into clay have been identified, adding important knowledge to how clay is formed.

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