Related topics: molecules

Researchers find hydrogen-supported life beneath glaciers

Using years of data collected from ice-covered habitats all over the world, a Montana State University team has discovered new insights into the processes that support microbial life underneath ice sheets and glaciers, and ...

When chemistry with green light mimics what happens in life

Scientists frequently look at how molecules behave in nature to help them design chemical processes, and that's what QUT and Ghent University researchers did to create a green light-stabilized 3-D polymer structure that unfolds ...

Record resolution in X-ray microscopy

Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland and other institutions in Paris, Hamburg and Basel, have succeeded in setting a new record in X-ray microscopy. ...

Tiny bubbles on electrodes key to speeding up chemical processes

New Curtin University-led research has shown the formation of bubbles on electrodes, usually thought to be a hindrance, can be beneficial, with deliberately added bubbles, or oil droplets, able to accelerate processes such ...

A new strategy for the greener use of calcium carbide

Calcium acetylide was discovered more than 150 years ago. It is a yellowish-white, beige, or gray solid, a compound of calcium and carbon. Calcium acetylide is currently used to produce gaseous acetylene. In industry, it ...

Identifying compound classes through machine learning

Everything that lives has metabolites, produces metabolites and consumes metabolites. These molecules arise as intermediate and end products from chemical processes in an organism's metabolism. Therefore, they not only have ...

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