NASA sees wind shear affecting Hurricane Ignacio

Hurricane Ignacio is staying far enough away from the Hawaiian Islands to not bring heavy rainfall or gusty winds, but is still causing rough surf. Infrared satellite data on September 1 shows that wind shear is adversely ...

Satellites sees a question mark in Tropical Storm Ana

NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured an image of Tropical Storm Ana that showed the outer clouds were already reaching the big island by 11 a.m. EDT and the storm resembled a giant question mark.

NASA sees Hurricane Olaf move into central Pacific Ocean

NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites saw Hurricane Olaf move west over the longitude line of 140 degrees that separates the Eastern Pacific from the Central Pacific. On October 20, Olaf strengthened to a Category four hurricane ...

NASA gets Hurricane Oho by the tail

Tropical Storm Oho intensified into a hurricane on October 6 and appeared to have a "tail" in Infrared NASA satellite imagery. Oho is the seventh hurricane of the 2015 season in the North Central Pacific Ocean.

NASA sees Lester move into central Pacific Ocean basin

Hurricane Lester continues to march to the west and NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite saw the storm as it was crossing from the Eastern Pacific to the Central Pacific Ocean and triggered new hurricane watches for Hawaii.

NASA sees Walaka becoming a powerful Hurricane

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite passed over the Central Pacific Hurricane Center and analyzed Walaka's rainfall and cloud structure as it was strengthening into a hurricane.

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