GPM satellite shows double eye-wall in Hurricane Jimena

The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM core satellite showed a double eye-wall in Hurricane Jimena on September 1 as it moved through the Eastern Pacific and into the Central Pacific Ocean.

Suomi NPP sees a weaker Hurricane Jimena

Hurricane Jimena is on a downward spiral and is expected to continue weakening. NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over Hurricane Jimena and saw the strongest thunderstorms were on its southern and northeastern sides. Jimena ...

NASA sees Eastern Pacific storms power up and down

While Tropical Storm Kristy faded into a remnant low pressure area, Lane strengthened into a hurricane. NASA's Terra satellite caught a look at both storms when it passed overhead on Sept. 16 and showed a much tighter circulation ...

NASA sees wind shear affecting Tropical Storm Jimena

Strong vertical wind shear has been affecting Tropical Storm Jimena in the Central Pacific and pushing the clouds and storms west of the center, as seen in infrared imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite.

NASA sees Genevieve squeezed between 3 tropical systems

The resurrected Tropical Depression Genevieve appears squeezed between three other developing areas of low pressure. Satellite data from NOAA and NASA continue to show a lot of tropical activity in the Eastern and Central ...

Satellite sees Tropical Storm Guillermo nearing Hawaii

Tropical Storm Guillermo continued to creep closer to the Hawaiian Islands on Aug. 4, and NOAA's GOES-West satellite captured an image of the weakening storm. Westerly wind shear is pushing a stream of clouds to the northeast ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Guillermo's big stretch

When you look at Tropical Storm Guillermo on infrared NASA satellite imagery it looks stretched out with a "tail" of clouds extending to the northeast. That's because westerly wind shear continues to batter the storm and ...

Terra satellite shows a more organized Tropical Storm Ana

The strong southwesterly wind shear that has been battering Tropical Storm Ana has abated and has given the storm a chance to re-organize. Ana appeared more rounded on imagery from NASA's Terra satellite as thunderstorms ...

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