Suomi NPP gets an infrared look at Tropical Storm Nora

Tropical Storm Nora's cloud top temperatures appeared to be warming up on infrared imagery from NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite. Warming cloud top temperatures means less uplift in the air and a weaker storm. Nora is on a ...

Satellite sees the long arms of Hurricane Oho

Hurricane Oho appears to have extremely long arms in imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite on October 7. Moisture from Oho is being drawn along a stationary front to Oho's northeast, making it appear as if Oho is pointing ...

NASA gets Hurricane Oho by the tail

Tropical Storm Oho intensified into a hurricane on October 6 and appeared to have a "tail" in Infrared NASA satellite imagery. Oho is the seventh hurricane of the 2015 season in the North Central Pacific Ocean.

RapidScat spots Tropical Storm Niala's waning winds

The RapidScat instrument saw the strongest winds in the Central Pacific Ocean's Tropical Storm Niala were on the northwestern side, facing the Big Island of Hawaii while the rest of the storm was below tropical-storm strength.

NASA sees wind shear affecting Tropical Storm Jimena

Strong vertical wind shear has been affecting Tropical Storm Jimena in the Central Pacific and pushing the clouds and storms west of the center, as seen in infrared imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite.

Suomi NPP sees a weaker Hurricane Jimena

Hurricane Jimena is on a downward spiral and is expected to continue weakening. NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over Hurricane Jimena and saw the strongest thunderstorms were on its southern and northeastern sides. Jimena ...

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