Related topics: cells · immune response · cancer cells · protein

SARS-CoV-2 uses sugars to invade human cells

Sugars found on the surface of human cells influence COVID-19 infection, according to a University of Alberta-led study that is one of the first to observe this relationship and suggests that cells in the brain might be particularly ...

Centriole instability might contribute to some cases of microcephaly

Centrioles are cylindrical structures involved in the generation of microtubules—fibers inside of cells that form a network to provide structure and shape to cells and to mediate transport processes. In addition, centriole ...

How chlorine stabilizes next-gen solar cells at an atomic scale

A team of researchers led by Professor Yabing Qi in the Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan have imaged the atoms at the surface ...

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