How to free trapped radicals from carboxyl

The removal of carboxyl groups and the release of alkyl radical fragments from the tight binding of carboxyl groups are promising directions in organic synthesis, especially in drug synthesis. Various catalysts have been ...

Chemical hydrogen storage system

Hydrogen is a highly attractive, but also highly explosive energy carrier, which requires safe, lightweight and cheap storage as well as transportation systems. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, have ...

Newly discovered design rules lead to better fuel cell catalyst

To create better batteries and fuel cells, scientists must make oxygen molecules gain and lose electrons efficiently. The reactions are frustratingly sluggish. Speeding the reactions requires heat and platinum, which are ...

Interactive size control of catalyst nanoparticles

How many nanometers should catalyst nanoparticles be to optimize the course of the reaction? Researchers usually look for the answer through laborious, repetitive tests. At the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish ...

Platform optimizes the design of new, tunable catalytic systems

In the late 1700s, a Scottish chemist named Elizabeth Fulhame discovered that certain chemical reactions occurred only in the presence of water and that, at the end of those reactions, the amount of water was not depleted. ...

Cooperative catalysts offer unique route to alkenes

Chemists at Princeton have developed a new chemical method to introduce valuable alkenes into simple hydrocarbon molecules, a transformation known as dehydrogenation, which is found in important processes such as the biosynthesis ...

Taking a cue from nature: Turning alcohols into alkylating agents

Researchers at Princeton have developed a dual catalyst system that directly installs alkyl groups—fragments containing singly bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms that have extremely useful properties for drug discovery—onto ...

New chemistry makes strong bonds weak

Researchers at Princeton have developed a new chemical reaction that breaks the strongest bond in a molecule instead of the weakest, completely reversing the norm for reactions in which bonds are evenly split to form reactive ...

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