Related topics: cells · cancer · cancer cells · mutations

Improving gene delivery methods

Scientists in China are exploring new ways to treat cancer using gene therapy. We find out how their work inspired this beautiful and intricate design on the cover of Polymer Chemistry.

Computer program detects differences between human cells

"How many different cell types are there in a human body? And how do these differences develop? Nobody really knows," says Professor Stein Aerts from KU Leuven (University of Leuven) and VIB, Belgium. But thanks to a new ...

Physicists develop new tool that could improve cancer research

University of Arkansas physicists have developed a new way for quantifying data from microscopic observations that could help scientists better study how cancer cells respond to treatment, among other benefits. The research, ...

Big-data analysis points toward new drug discovery method

A research team led by scientists at UC San Francisco has developed a computational method to systematically probe massive amounts of open-access data to discover new ways to use drugs, including some that have already been ...

'Sister cell' profiling aims to shut down cancer metastasis

In work that could improve understanding of how cancer spreads, a team of engineers and medical researchers at the University of Michigan developed a new kind of microfluidic chip that can capture rare, aggressive cancer ...

Nine burning questions about CRISPR genome editing answered

In recent years, science and the media have been buzzing with the term CRISPR. From speculation around reviving the woolly mammoth to promises of distant cures for cancer, the unproven potential for this genome editing tool ...

Gene editing takes on new roles

What combinations of mutations help cancer cells survive? Which cells in the brain are involved in the onset of Alzheimer's? How do immune cells conduct their convoluted decision-making processes? Researchers at the Weizmann ...

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