Quantum predictions

Solving a complex problem quickly requires careful tradeoffs – and simulating the behavior of materials is no exception. To get answers that predict molecular workings feasibly, scientists must swap in mathematical approximations ...

New thermoelectric material delivers record performance

Taking advantage of recent advances in using theoretical calculations to predict the properties of new materials, researchers reported Thursday the discovery of a new class of half-Heusler thermoelectric compounds, including ...

Home Field Advantage Often Overestimated In College Football

This year, many of college football's biggest rivalry games take place over Thanksgiving weekend. A win earns bragging rights for the year. Visiting teams are often thought to be at a considerable disadvantage, especially ...

Engineers show feasibility of superfast materials

(Phys.org)—University of Utah engineers demonstrated it is feasible to build the first organic materials that conduct electricity on their edges, but act as an insulator inside. These materials, called organic topological ...

Supercomputer boosted with graphic processors

With "Piz Daint" the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is putting a new supercomputer system in operation that will provide the necessary compute performance and consume less power. This is made possible by a novel ...

Code speedup strengthens researchers' grasp of neutrons

Neutrons are notoriously slippery subatomic particles. On their own, they break down in a matter of minutes, but within the confines of the atom's nucleus, neutrons are a foundational piece of nearly all known types of matter ...

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