Novel gate may enhance power of Majorana-based quantum computers

Quantum computers hold great potential, but they remain hard to build because their basic components—individual quantum systems like atoms, electrons or photons—are fragile. A relentless and noisy background constantly ...

For 2-D boron, it's all about that base

Rice University scientists have theoretically determined that the properties of atom-thick sheets of boron depend on where those atoms land.

Superconductivity with Tc as high as 32K found in borides

Superconductors with high transition temperature (high-Tc SCs) are long-sought targets in the condensed matter physics and materials communities because of significant scientific and application values. Since the discovery ...

High index surfaces-exposed nanodendrites as ORR electrocatalyst

Alloying is a general and efficient strategy to boost the catalytic activity of Pt catalysts toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) through electronic and geometric effects. Besides, high-index surfaces (HISs) of Pt also ...

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