Scientists discover why silver clusters emit light

Clusters of silver atoms captured in zeolites, a porous material with small channels and voids, have remarkable light-emitting properties. They can be used for more efficient lighting applications as a substitute for LED ...

The new world of gamma-ray optics

Scientists discover that certain materials like silicon or gold exhibit a surprisingly large refractive index for extremely high energetic gamma-rays.

Electron magnetic moment calculated precisely

(—An electron, as well as other subatomic particles with an electric charge, is actually a little magnet—it spins like a top, giving it its own magnetic moment.

New support for 'intrinsic' charm quarks

A team of researchers with The NNPDF Collaboration has found new evidence to support the theory of "intrinsic" charm quarks. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes how they used a machine learning ...

Researchers create 2D quantum light source from layered materials

Recent advances in spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)-based quantum light sources based on two-dimensional layered materials have been made by a team led by Prof. Ren Xifeng from the University of Science and Technology ...

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