Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon

Soil carbon usually refers only to the organic matter component of soils, known as soil organic carbon (SOC). However, soil carbon also has an inorganic component, known as soil inorganic carbon (SIC). Solid SIC, often calcium ...

Metals could reveal corals' past lives

Coral reefs worldwide face dire threats from ocean warming, increasing acidification, pollution, and other stressors. Understanding how corals respond to stress and how they evolved along with their environments is critical ...

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Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found in rock in all parts of the world, and is the main component of shells of marine organisms, snails, pearls, and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime, and is usually the principal cause of hard water. It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid, but high consumption can be hazardous.

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