Act of altruism observed in bull elephant seal

A trio of ecologists has observed for the first time, an act of altruism performed by a bull elephant seal. In their paper published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, Sarah Allen, Matthew Lau, and Sarah Codde offer photographic ...

Bull ant evolves new way to target pain

Australian bull ants have evolved a venom molecule perfectly tuned to target one of their predators—the echidna—that also could have implications for people with long-term pain, University of Queensland researchers say.

California's crashing kelp forest

First the sea stars wasted to nothing. Then the purple urchins took over, eating and eating until the bull kelp forests were gone. The red abalone starved. Their fishery closed. Red sea urchins starved. Their fishery collapsed. ...

Genome-edited bull passes on hornless trait to calves

For the past two years, researchers at the University of California, Davis, have been studying six offspring of a dairy bull, genome-edited to prevent it from growing horns. This technology has been proposed as an alternative ...

Bull ant venom could put the bite on pain

Venom from the giant red bull ant is helping University of Queensland scientists understand the evolution of animal toxins in work that could lead to better treatments for pain.

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